Maine IRS Tax Representation

If the IRS is knocking, you need someone who can answer. Maine IRS Tax Representation is only a contact form or phone call away. The IRS loves to push people around, and many don’t know they have help ready and waiting. James D. Wade is ready and waiting to help Mainers with Tax Debt Relief, IRS Audits, IRS Tax Resolutions, and questions in general about IRS issues and problems that taxpayers often deal with.

Maine IRS Tax Representation

Most people aren’t legal or tax experts. So why should you be expected to represent yourself in a situation where you aren’t fully versed? It’s usually a bad idea to represent yourself in any legal proceeding unless you really know what you’re doing. Tax law is intentionally complicated and convoluted to give the IRS an advantage. Having representation can add many benefits. Firstly, choose an expert like James D. Wade, with plenty of experience and past cases that prove his usefulness. Secondly, it stops the IRS from taking advantage of you. With representation, the IRS will look to work a deal instead. This is much more advantageous and saves you from the full total they could put on you and levy your property, or garnish your wages.

It’s Not Too Late!

Maybe the IRS has already put liens on your property or is garnishing your wages? Well, it is not too late! Contact James D. Wade and his firm may be able to help remove those pains and have a reasonable settlement with the IRS. They can even represent you before the US Tax Court. The offices of James D. Wade can also help you with advice and guidance if you feel you are heading toward an encounter with the IRS. So don’t hesitate to contact James D. Wade and find out what your rights are and what you need to do to solve your IRS problems ASAP!

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