Maine Junk Removal

Maine Junk Removal Experts at Casco Bay Cleanouts are ready to help you solve that giant headache you’ve been stressing about. Junk can pile up and not everyone is great at getting rid of it. Some of us or our loved ones have a hard time throwing things out. Even if it’s useless old items or trash. But when the time finally comes, make it easy and call Casco Bay Cleanouts. They can drop off a dumpster trailer to your property and give you the time you need to fill it and rid yourself of all that junk. Or if you don’t want to deal with it at all they can do the job for you! The team at Casco Bay Cleanouts actually enjoys clearing out all the junk to make homes look clean again.

Maine Junk Removal

We aren’t just talking about Grandma’s hoarding collection either. If you own property and rent it, you may have come across a situation where a former tenant has left their trash everywhere. Or maybe you are going to show a home in the hopes of selling it and just need all the extra junk out for your open house. It could be that you are moving into a smaller home and have a lot of extra stuff to get rid of. Or you may have inherited Grandma’s house and her entire hoarding collection. Whatever the reason, Casco Bay Cleanouts can provide full junk removal service.

And don’t forget! If you want time to sort and move the junk yourself, they can leave the trailer. Rent the trailer for several days and move on your own time. Don’t feel rushed to make all the choices at once. It can be hard to decide what needs to go and what can stay. And you don’t need to move the trailer, in fact, they don’t want you to! Casco Bay Cleanouts will drop off the trailer and pick it up when the time comes. They dispose of the junk for you and take just about anything. For a list of what they won’t take, or need to charge extra for, see their website. They even take large items like hot tubs and furniture.

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