Maine Radon

Maine Radon is an issue for homeowners and property managers alike. But most importantly it’s an issue for everyone who likes to breathe easy. Maine Radon Pro is here to help mitigate radon and ensure your home is safe. Radon is a dangerous form of radiation that seeps through the ground, concrete, rock, and dirt, and can contaminate local water sources as well. What does Radon do? It damages your lungs. Radon is the 2nd highest cause of Lung Cancer in the US, right after, you guessed it, smoking cigarettes. As mentioned, it can enter your body through breathing or through ingesting water. Anything over 4 pCi/L in the air or 4000 pCi/L in water is harmful to humans.

Maine Radon

Many homes in Maine test as high as 50 pCi/L in the air. This is why it’s so important to test your home for radon if you haven’t already. Property owners and management companies are required to test for radon before allowing people to live on the property, but it can slide through the cracks. If you aren’t sure if your home has been tested for radon, it’s important you find out. Contact Maine Radon Pro if your home hasn’t been tested. You can schedule a time to have your home inspected for radon levels. Don’t wait, breathing radon in high levels equates to smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day. It’s important you take action if you are unsure. Additionally, it’s a legal requirement if you own and rent property where people live. This is because of Maine Law.

Homeowners and property managers should always know their responsibilities. Renters, ask your landlords if radon testing has been done. Radon mitigation is actually fairly simple and very affordable. Maine Radon Pro can easily install air filters in your basement and additional filters in your water system to protect everyone in your home from Radon exposure. Contact them today. Additionally, you can learn more on their website. Don’t forget to ask your landlords or HOA about radon exposure in your home.

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