Radon Mitigation In Maine

Radon Mitigation In Maine from Maine Radon Pro is the best, cheapest, and safest way to protect your family from Radon. Homeowners should know that more than 1 in 4 homes in Maine test high for Radon. Radon is a radiation that seeps through concrete, ground, and other materials. Additionally, it can even contaminate water sources. Subsequently, Radon is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer next to tobacco. Living in a home with high levels of radon can be the equivalent of smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day. However, you don’t have to worry about Radon if you’ve had your home tested, and mitigation technology installed if the results are high levels.

Radon Mitigation In Maine

High levels of radon can be mitigated with 2 systems that Maine Radon Pro can install. Generally, Usually within a working day. One is an air filter that is placed in your basement. Similarly, the other is a water filter that is connected before your home’s water intake pipe splits off to the various areas of your home. Radon can be very dangerous. Don’t live with the uncertainty of Radon exposure. Contact Maine Radon Pro to come and test your home ASAP. It’s quick and easy to test your home. As mentioned more than 1 in 4 homes test high for radon levels. Don’t wait until next year.

Testing must be done by a state-certified licensed home inspector, like Maine Radon Pro. It is usually stimulated by real estate transactions. Find out if your home has been tested by contacting the previous inspector or checking their report. Contact Maine Radon Pro if you need an inspection done. Act now to make sure your home is safe. Contact Maine Radon Pro to test your home. Protect your family. Have all of the properties you own tested. Stay safe wherever you own property.

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