Maine Dumpster Rentals

Maine Dumpster Rentals from G & S Dumpsters is the best way to get rid of household junk or trash from a project. Whether you’re doing a cleaning overhaul on your home, or if you inherited someone else’s mess, sometimes you have a lot of junk or garbage to deal with. When this happens, you have a few choices. You could toss all those small items into plastic bags, and rent or borrow a truck and haul it all to the closest transfer station, over and over until it’s all gone. Or you could rent a dumpster and chuck it all inside that. Then when it’s scheduled, it will be picked up and hauled away. Easy peasy.

Maine Dumpster Rentals

This doesn’t seem like a hard choice. Why go back and forth to a dump or transfer station? Why rent or borrow a truck? If you own a truck, why ding it up with trash? Renting a dumpster is less wear and tear on both you and the vehicle you may haul the junk in. It’s much easier to rent a dumpster from G & S Dumpsters and have it hauled away for you at fair, competitive rates. Renting a dumpster is perfect for DIY or professional construction. It’s also a great solution for those who are cleaning up other people’s mess. If you inherited a home from a family member, or are presenting a home to be sold. You may not want all the extra junk lying around. You may just be getting rid of old furniture in your beat-up barn. Whatever the reason for having all the extra junk, don’t make it more difficult than it needs to be to remove it. Rent a dumpster from G & S Dumpsters and have the hassle taken care of for you. Contact them today!

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