Double Bass Stand

Double Bass Stand from Upton Bass is a great way to keep your double bass upright. Double Bass aren’t light, and shouldn’t be laid on the ground or floor. You also don’t want to lean your bass against a wall. The chances it may slip and fall, and then break, are too high. Don’t risk your Bass breaking and needing repair. Just buy a Bass Stand from Upton Bass

Double Bass Stand

Instruments break every day. It can be tempting to think yours won’t. But it happens. Why risk the quality of your instrument for pride? Upton Bass has bass stands that won’t break your bank account. Upton Bass believes playing music should be accessible to everyone. They mark their prices accordingly. This doesn’t mean they sell things for less than their value, but it does mean they focus on providing quality options to all levels of players. Students, professionals, amateurs, and hobbyists can find something in their price range for new and used basses. In addition to offering a payment plan through Affirm, they do their best to make their products available to all who love music.

Another reason to support Upton Bass is they are American-made and manufactured. All Upton Basses are made in the United States. The owner and founder believe that American manufacturing can compete against the European musical instrument brand.

So check out the Wooden Upton Bass Stand on their website. The price ranges from $145 to $175. Making it an obtainable way to keep your bass standing and protected from falling and breaking.

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