Hot Water Heaters

Hot Water Heaters from Gelinas HVAC are the best way to keep your hot water flowing if yours needs replacing. If your water heater is showing signs that it needs to be replaced, don’t hesitate. If you see any rust or corrosion in your water heater, call Gelinas immediately. The last thing you need in your home is a leaking water appliance. There are few things more immediately destructive to your home than a water leak. Of course, fire would be worse, but water damage to your home can make it uninhabitable. Mold and mildew can grow quickly. Water can hide under your floor and behind your walls, sitting and soaking into your home, keeping it damp. Promoting more mold growth where you cannot see it. Restoration work is expensive! instead of reacting to the problem, be proactive with Gelinas!

Hot Water Heaters

Gelinas HVAC is here to help. They can inspect and maintain your plumbing appliances and your heating and cooling appliances as well. So when an issue pops up, they will see it and react before it becomes a problem. You can have them install a new water heater, selected by you. They have a good selection of both propane and electric water heaters. Additionally, they can keep an eye on your heating and cooling solutions. If your heater goes out, your water could freeze and burst pipes and no one likes a broken AC in summertime.

Keep those systems maintained with Gelinas HVAC. They can also supply and install new heating and cooling HVAC systems, as well as a new heat pump. Heat pumps are becoming very popular in New England and Maine specifically, as they are extremely efficient and affordable to run. It’s also convenient that they both heat and cool their environments depending on what’s needed.

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