Maine Radon Mitigation

Maine Radon Mitigation from Maine Radon Pro is the best way to protect your family from Radon exposure. Is Radon dangerous? Absolutely. Radon exposure over time is where the real danger lies, however. This is why it’s so important to have your home tested for Radon levels. Radon is actually the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer, behind tobacco. If your home has a high level of Radon, which 1 in 3 homes in Maine do, you could be endangering yourself and your family. Most homes are tested when they are inspected. So you should look to see if your home’s last inspection says anything about radon testing. If your home has been in your family for several generations, it’s possible that Radon testing was never done. Also, it’s possible your home hasn’t been tested recently.

Maine Radon Mitigation

Radon is strange in that it doesn’t permeate an area in uniform. Your neighbors may not have any radon exposure in their homes, but yours might be high. This is another reason it’s important to have your home tested. Even if your neighbor’s home was tested and came back negative, your home could still be exposed. Check out the Maine Radon Pro website for more specific information on what is considered a high exposure level. They can come out and test your home. If they find you have high levels of radon, a few simple filters can be installed in your home to mitigate the Radon.

The first is your water levels. If your water has radon in it, a simple water filter can be installed to prevent it from running through your home’s tap. The other is air levels. Airborne radon is more dangerous than it is in water. If there’s a high amount of Radon in your home’s air, an air filter can be installed in your basement to clean it out before it rises into the rest of your home. If you don’t have a basement it could be installed on your first floor. Reach out to Maine Radon Pro to see if your home is safe.

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