Maine Small Business Lawyer

Maine Small Business Lawyer Steven Cope is here to help small businesses get off to the right start and protect themselves in today’s business world. Steven Cope is a small business attorney located in Portland Maine. He is dedicated to helping the small business community thrive and grow by assisting with startups, business filing, and much more. He also does commercial and civil litigation, due diligence, and investment counseling. Steven assists with contract reviews and development too. He can also help with Buy and Sell agreements. Steven also helps with disputes like shareholder and board conflicts. He will even take breach of contract cases. Steven Cope really is here to help small and medium businesses thrive in Maine.

Maine Small Business Lawyer

There are a number of reasons why you might want to contact an attorney for your business. If you haven’t formed your business, the first step is obvious. Have Steven sit down with you and discuss your options and their benefits. It’s not hard to learn all of the different types of businesses you can form. What is challenging is knowing the benefits and drawbacks of each. Choosing the type of organization to file as can make a world of difference in taxes and operating procedures. So make sure you choose the right kind of business. If you need help with that, Steven is the perfect choice.

Another reason you may want to contact Steven is when your business isn’t doing so well. If the market has moved against you, or for some reason, you just aren’t making a profit, Steven can help you file for the right kind of bankruptcy. Learn more on his website or contact him directly through it.

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